
Harry’s Story

I didn’t have a home from around the age [of] 14.

My relationship with my family wasn’t that good. I went to the custody centre and then to MAP (Melbourne Assessment Prison) way too young.

There was like people like 30, 40 , 50 (years old)… it was pretty scary because I didn’t know what was going to happen.

The friends I used to hang out with basically all of them are locked up because, probably, they didn’t get the support they needed.

If you’re homeless you’re just going to steal shit… young people need support and housing.

I feel good about getting a second chance. I’ve grown as a person, I’m going back to school. I’m doing Year 12 VCAL. Last year I finished Year 11.

My independence to me is, like, when you can do things on your own and you kind of learn that a lot when you’re homeless, as well ‘cause no one’s going to feed you.

I learned how to cook a bit at the housing I was in. At home I have my own kitchen, that’s where I cook. I cook spaghetti, stir fry, burgers.

Having my own place means I can start focusing on whatever’s next in life.

My goals for the future are basically to live a normal life. Get a house, mortgage, full-time job, family, improve myself and prove that’s not the person that I am.

One day I want to give back to the community and be a youth worker, and help out people.