
Our Plan

We are asking the people of Victoria to join with us to demand the youth justice system our community deserves.

This can be achieved by…

Strengthening the foundations of our youth justice system and reinstating the approaches that will make our communities safer.

Investing more in the programs proven to work, such as early intervention, local community initiatives and education.

Providing support of the highest quality to young people in trouble to prevent further crime and improve outcomes.

Strengthen the foundations for real justice and safer communities.

Develop a ten year plan, backed up with investment for the Victorian youth justice system including:

  • A rollback of regressive sentencing practices such as mandatory detention.
  • Setting and monitoring targets to reduce the number of young people offending, reoffending, on remand and in prison.
  • Through the better use of data and investment in research and evaluation, build a shared understanding of what is working and what else is needed to improve outcomes. Get the foundations right:
  • Raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14.
  • Restore access to the dual track system and extend age eligibility to 24 years old.
  • Work alongside Aboriginal agencies and communities to reduce over-representation in the justice system.

Supporting kids and communities to prevent offending.

Start locally with long-term investment in place-based solutions to tackle disadvantage, including justice reinvestment.

Step in early to support kids in trouble, to keep them safe and connected to school, family, culture and community:

  • Lower the age of eligibility for the successful Navigator Program from 12 to 10 years.
  • Trial new programs that work with children from 8 years, at the first signs of anti-social behaviour and disengagement.
  • Expand programs that provide culturally safe support for Aboriginal children and families.

Strengthen pathways to specialist training and employment programs to give young people purpose, stability and opportunity.

Giving kids the support they need to get back on track.

Continue to strengthen diversion opportunities with a focus on rehabilitation and restorative justice for all young people at each point in the justice system.

Avoid unnecessary detention through a focus on housing and alternatives to remand.

Break the cycle of crime with more intensive support for the small number of high-risk young offenders.

Strengthen in-prison and transition support to set kids up for success when they return to the community.

  • Ensure education and therapeutic support are a priority in detention.
  • Improve intensive support when young people exit prison to connect with housing, education, training and the community.
  • Ensure the new children’s prison is built according to the evidence of best-practice in the rehabilitation of young people, with transparent monitoring of numbers in detention.

Strengthen the capability of the workforce to address the complex needs of young offenders.

Introduce a minimum qualification standard for the workforce.


Campaign brochure

Campaign poster

Campaign policy platform

#JusticeSolutions tour report

Join the campaign and help to fix youth justice in Victoria